"I had the whole area to myself!"

Simmons Park, Lindisfarne, on a cool but refreshing winter's morning.

Brendan Blomeley, Mayor of Clarence City Council, posted on Facebook a few weeks back:

Fantastic to catch up with Mark Brown for coffee and then a tour of the former Rosny Golf Course. Apart from the team undertaking the geotechnical work, we had the whole area to ourselves!

Let’s get on and build the AFL / AFLW High Performance Centre. (Emphasis added)

I don't think I would be alone in reading the "we had the whole area to ourselves!" as a far-from-subtle implication that, due to the lack of humans on "the former Rosny Golf Course" at the time of his visit, they are obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use. I note, for example, that yesterday (29 June, 2024) Tanzi Lewis posted on the Hobart Dog Walking Group Facebook page:

"Weekend walks
Walk of the invisibles (on-lead)
If you believe some people, nobody ever uses Rosny Park (former golf course)." 

I shall therefore dangerously assume that the sledgehammer-subtlety is not imagined, unless someone can convince me otherwise. In fact it continues to be bandied about and echoed by a number of parties.

With that in mind, I ask that you join me, my camera, and my own sledgehammer, on a walk I took on Monday, June 24, 2024 . I point that I walked twenty kilometres; you can therefore understand the amount of time taken between the images. I also point out that, although starting off quite cool and a bit foggy, by the time I was about a quarter of the way through I had definitely removed my warm coat! It turned out to be a beautiful day, with a range of 5-11°C! I should note that it only reached a maximum of 10.4°C on the day the Mayor took his tour with Mister Brown. I think it fair to say that said Mayoral tour would likely have enjoyed the same temperature that I was enjoying when I started MY tour - give or take a point or two of a degree!

After being dropped off at Rosny College car park, let's go!


8:30am, 24 June, 2024
Kangaroo Bay Sports Ground
Number of people using ground: 0
I had the whole area to myself!

Is it reasonable to assume that, because I had the whole area to myself at that time, this ground is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know it is used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!


:32am, 24 June, 2024
Rosny Skatepark 
Number of people using skatepark: 0
I had the whole area to myself!

Is it reasonable to assume that, because I had the whole Skatepark - opened in April 2016 at a cost of 1.6 million dollars - to myself at that time, this Skatepark is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know it is used. To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!


8:55am, 24 June, 2024
Montagu Bay Reserve
Number of people using: 0
I had the whole area to myself!

Is it reasonable to assume that, because I had the whole area to myself at that time, this reserve is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know it is used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!

I wandered past Montagu Bay Primary School a little after 9; the school itself has a nice big field there, but was, at the time I walked by, entirely devoid of human life. Unused/underutilized? Nah. We know it is used.. Side note: I used to play baseball as a kid on that field. Primary School League. Whatever became of that?

9:05am, 24 June, 2024
Multi-user Cycle-way
Number of people using: 0*
I had the whole Cycle-way to myself!*

I continued following the Multi-user Cycle-way (*all up, I followed it for six kilometres; I would be disingenuous at the very least if I were to say that I met no-one else on the Cycle-way. I met, or was passed, by five walkers, four joggers, two dogs with human friends, two babies in prams with adult locomotion, and one solitary cyclist. So, for all the time I was on a supposed Cycle-way, built at great expense to accommodate two directions of multi-use traffic for a fair portion of the section I walked, there was only one cyclist? *And for large sections of the time I was on it, I could, somewhat disingenuously - so I'm not adding it officially to the tally - argue that as far as the eye could see (as in the picture above) I had the whole Cycle-way to myself! Is it reasonable to assume then, that the Cycleway is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know it is used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!)


9:09am, 24 June, 2024
Rose Bay Foreshore Park 
Number of people using: 0
I had the whole park to myself!

It was right after school drop-off; a chance for a parental unit to let the pre-schooler have a bit of a run-around?  That was certainly not the case when I walked by. Is it, therefore, reasonable to assume that, because I had the whole area to myself at that time, this park is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know it is used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!


9:23am, 24 June, 2024
Simmons Park Playground 
Number of people using: 0
I had the whole park to myself!


9:25am, 24 June, 2024
Simmons Park
Number of people using: 0
I had the whole park to myself!

Simmons Park, with its magnificent Playground, was a like a ghost town. The expensive exercise equipment was unused, the beautiful Ampitheatre bereft of performers. Is it reasonable to assume that, because I had the whole area to myself at that time, this park is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know it is used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!

I walked past three old coots (sorry) and soon found myself walking past the quiet Beltana Park.


9:31am, 24 June, 2024
Beltana Park, Lindisfarne
Number of people using: 0
I had the whole park to myself!

Is it reasonable to assume that, because I had the whole area to myself at that time, this park is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know it is used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!


9:45am, 24 June, 2024
Lindisfarne Football Oval (Anzac Park)
Number of people using: 0
I had the whole oval to myself!

The first Aussie Rules football oval on my pilgrimage, and the Seagulls were playing the Plovers, with the Plovers quite outnumbered. The humans, however, were outnumbered by the Plovers, as I was the only one there! Is it reasonable to assume that, because I had the whole oval to myself at that time, this oval is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know it is used - the surface in front of the goalposts is very strong evidence! To allude that it is unused/underutilized would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!


9:52am, 24 June, 2024
Lindisfarne Cricket Oval (Anzac Park)
Number of people using: 0
I had the whole oval to myself!

The second Aussie Rules oval of the trek, and home of Lindisfarne Cricket Club. But not home of a living soul, when I took this panorama photo! Is it reasonable to assume that, because I had this whole oval to myself at that time, this oval is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know it is used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!


9:55am, 24 June, 2024
Beltana Bowls Club (Anzac Park)
Number of people using: 0
I had all the greens to myself!

The greens were very green, and also very empty when I visited. Is it reasonable to assume that, because the greens were not in use at that time, these greens are obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know they are used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!


9:58am, 24 June, 2024
Anzac Park Playground
Number of people using: 0*
I had all the playground to myself*!

*There were two vehicles in the carpark, and they were both occupied. There "may" have been other people from the vehicles visiting the War Memorial, but the playground and surrounds were empty as far as I could see. Is it reasonable to assume that, because I had the whole playground area to myself at that time, this area is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know it is used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!

10:30am, 24 June, 2024
Geilston Bay Sportsground
Number of people using: 0
I had the whole Sportsground to myself!

The third Footy Oval of the voyage (well, technically the fourth, as I passed the Lindisfarne North Primary School on my way through. Both their oval, just visible in the left of the bottom image, and their other large sports field were devoid of little learners; I have pictures, but don't wish to show their nonexistent faces! But we of course know the fields get regular use!)

The Plovers Junior Side were playing a lone Herons team member on the Geilston Bay Sportsground. I'm surprised that the Herons didn't just forfeit the game, with no other Herons - or for that matter, humans - to help out! It was painful to watch. Is it reasonable to assume that, because I was the only human on the oval at that time, this field is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know it is used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!

I made my way along the East Derwent Highway, then made my way up past Lindisfarne Primary School's lonely and empty field - which is, of course, regularly used. (You'd have to be playing games to suggest otherwise - or be downright disingenuously trying to cause unrest!) Then up onto Gordon's Hill Circuit, which, I tell you what, you wouldn't want to send High Performance sportspersons on a run around! They'd twist an ankle or worse on that current goat track! It's no wonder that, other than some arborists removing tree limbs overhanging into backyards, I was stumbling and sliding alone on the Circuit. Is it reasonable to assume that, because I was the only human on this section of Crown Land (managed by the Parks and Wildlife Service) at that time, this hill and Circuit is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know it is used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!

I finally dropped down onto Gordon's Hill Road, and on towards my next destination. (Then realised I'd bypassed Edgeworth Sports Grounds, so doubled back - a time delay that resulted in me running into someone - but not a ground user!)


11:49am, 24 June, 2024
Edgeworth Sports Grounds
Number of people using: 0*
I had the whole Sportsground to myself!*

To paraphrase Councillor Blomeley, "Apart from the council team member undertaking rubbish pick-up, I had the whole area to myself!" Is it reasonable, therefore, to assume - even though there are a gazillion boot-stud holes in the goal circles, and ample spectator rubbish to be picked up -  that because I was the only human on the grounds at that time, these grounds are obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know they are used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!


12:00pm, 24 June, 2024
Warrane Green Belt
Number of people using: 0
I had the whole Green Belt to myself!

Looking up towards Warrane Primary School, then down towards the highway, the Green Belt shows no sign of life - other than fresh hoon-marks below Bligh Street. Is it reasonable to assume that, because I was the only human on the Green Belt at that time, this strip of greenness is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know that it's used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!


12:06pm, 24 June, 2024
Warrane Stadium
Number of people using: 0*
I had the whole Stadium to myself!*

Although not a field or ground or green, we have a Sportsball theme happening here, so I thought I'd check Warrane Stadium out as I went past. It also seemed fitting, as "the stadium is owned by the City of Clarence and managed for the benefit of the basketball community by the STBL."(Warrane Stadium website)

It's a reasonable sized structure, and one I was keen to revisit to see if the bloodstain from my "fourteen-year-old-'friendly'-game-chin-to-the-floor-tripup-resulting-in-stitches" incident was still on the court floor. Alas, the building was locked. Peering through the door, it appeared empty - an assessment further supported by the lack of any sound emanating from within, and the near-empty carpark. (For the eagle-eyed amongst you, you may get a chuckle at the closing date on the Community Consultation sign on the outside porch!)

Is it therefore reasonable to assume that, because I was (* I'm 99% sure) the only human visiting the stadium at that time, this stadium is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be bulldozed, and the land be put to better use? No! We know it is used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least! Mind you, it would allow for an extra field for the next door Warrior Park, also owned by council and leased to the Olympia Football Club Warriors. Although, would they use it? Because, after all...

12:08pm, 24 June, 2024
Warrior Park
Number of people using: 0
I had the whole park to myself!

As mentioned, Warrior Park is owned by council and leased to the Olympia Football Club Warriors. It consists of two fields that, as hinted at earlier, were not being used. Is it reasonable to assume that, that because I was the only human at the grounds at that time at that time, these fields are obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know they are used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!

12:30pm, 24 June, 2024
North Warrane Sports Ground
Number of people using: 0
I had the whole park to myself!

According to the Clarence City Council website, North Warrane Oval is used for senior and junior cricket during summer and rugby union and soccer during winter. During the entire time I was there, I didn't see a single Rugby player - or Cricketer, for that matter. Not another soul was to be seen! Is it reasonable to assume that, because I was the only human on the grounds at that time, this oval is obviously unused/underutilized, and therefore should be put to better use? No! We know they are used! To allude otherwise would be insulting to, and dismissive of those users- not to mention being disingenuous at the very least!


12:48pm, 24 June, 2024
Clarence Mountain Bike Park
Number of people using: Lots!!!
I DID NOT have the whole park to myself!

It would have been disingenuous of me to not put up a photo of the CMBP car park. I did actually walk in to the inner car park, with the outer car park containing only one vehicle and thus having me nervous of what I'd find. Nervous, because I use this park fairly often, and I usually see at least one or two riders using the park on a weekday. I shouldn't have worried, and the numbers were bolstered on the day of this visit by a large school group, which was good to see. I photographed it from this better angle after I left.

I continued my trek up to, and, past MacKillop College.  "When I were a lad" it was Mornington Primary School, my old alma mater. It was on that ground that I played most of my childhood footy, and even tried out for the school team once. Mind you, that was just to put the nerve back in a mate who had decided he wouldn't that year! It did the trick; he changed his mind and tried out, easily getting on the team. However, I did not. Thank goodness! It wasn't a terribly risky play; he was good, I was two-left-feet not! 


1:05pm, 24 June, 2024
Currajong Park
Number of people using: 0
I had the whole park to myself!

Final destination. And, yes, I had the whole park to myself. We used to kick a ball around here too, well before any play equipment was put in to block a drop punt. The slope was a pain though, and it wasn't unknown for a bad kick to go bouncing down Ingola Street out onto Cambridge Road! Even with that slope the amount of infill to flatten the playground space is about the height of that questionably-parked car. Imagine a greater slope and a larger play area...

Okay, I've worn out my sledgehammer, and ground my axe. Nineteen Clarence facilities in twenty kilometres (I didn't count the bike path or Gordon's Hill; that would probably be disingenuous). Of the nineteen, I had eighteen of them all to myself at the time. If I was disingenuous, I could suggest that, based on my sample size and experience at the time I visited, 94.737% of Clarence City's recreational facilities are not being used! Which is ridiculous and would be downright deceitful. So I won't. But I would ask that you would see the ridiculousness of determining under/non-use by such a proven-as-flawed yardstick, and recognise the use of such a disingenuous baiting comment as "we had the whole area to ourselves" - with the egregiously non-subtle implications made by the Mayor - as most unprofessional.

Following added 16 August, 2024

Let's consider the statement "Yes other sports grounds for kids sport and local sport is not used all the time but go to Warrane Sportsgrounds on a Saturday morning you will see huge amounts of children playing soccer." (Something, I think, I was quite obviously making a point was the case!), let me paraphrase Phil's words "Yes Rosny Parklands is not used all the time but go to Rosny Parklands on a Sunday and you will see large amounts of cyclists of all ages using it", and present the Rosny Parklands on July 21, 2024: 


  1. Absolutely love this. Goes to show just because you don't see anyone there at the same time as yourself, that no-one ever uses the space. Well done the Author.

  2. I'm glad you appreciate it. Thanks!


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